When you step onto the golf course, there are many factors in play which combine to make a great round. One of those factors is the strategy you adopt throughout your round. Today, we have some tips which will help you when playing golf and hopefully improve your score.
Firstly, try playing just the shots you are comfortably with. This may not always be possible depending on the lie of the ball, the hazards etc but in many cases, you are in control of the type of shot you are going to play.
If attacking the green means you need to play a shot you feel uncomfortable with, the chances of success are going to be reduced. If you do not feel comfortable and confident in the shot you are playing, why are you playing it?
Why not play a shot you are comfortable with and wait for a better opportunity to attack the green for a birdie attempt on the next hole? You will feel more in control of your game, rather than the golf course taking control of you.
Know where the danger zone is on every hole you play. This may be obvious in some cases as it is a water hazard to the side of the green or a deep bunker in the middle of the fairway. However, sometimes the danger zone is not so obvious and you need to analyse the hole in advance to work out there it is located.
It could be a steep run off point from the front of the green down to a deep patch of rough. On the scorecard this looks like nothing but on closer inspection it could leave you in a lot of trouble if you fail to avoid it.
When planning a shot, never aim straight at a hazard. You may fade the ball with most shots you play but you simply cannot rely on this to happen every time. Aiming straight towards a water hazard hoping your usual fade will take the ball away is a huge mistake.
Know the carry distance of each club in your bag and if you really must aim for the water, choose a club you know will land short if you hit a straight shot. You will not hit the ball as far as you desire and it may fade anyway but at least you know your ball will be on dry land for you next shot, regardless of the direction it takes.
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