Having played a round of golf, how often do you consider what went right and wrong? Its always good to think back on what you did well and to take the positives from a round. However, if you want to improve you must also look at the things which did not work or things you should change before your next round.
One of the things many beginner golfers should consider is the use of the driver. If you can use the driver consistently, without finding trouble it is a superb tool but if you are struggling to keep the ball on the fairway why go to the trouble of using it?
It is the longest club in the bag but if you are always having to search for your ball in the rough, what use is the extra distance? If you can find the fairway more consistently with a wood or hybrid, try leaving the driver at home to remove the temptation and see how your round and score differs from your previous effort.
Measure how far you can hit your 7 iron and plan what other irons you should be using from there. For example, if you can hit the 7 iron 170 yards you can play with a 4 iron but if you are hitting the 7 iron less than 150 yards, you should not be hitting any more than a 6 iron. This is a basic approach and which you will use will depend on many things but it is a good place to start.
Always aiming at the flag is great if you are confident you can regularly get the ball close with the club in your hand. However, if you are not within range to use the club you can control best, perhaps you should consider aiming for the middle of the green.
By aiming for the middle of the green you give yourself a bigger margin for error and that will come in handy for clubs where you have less control.
The final change to consider is the pace at which you hit your putts. If you like to attack your putts and play them fast as to avoid any break on the ball, chances are you are missing them and leaving yourself with work to do on your following putt.
By hitting putts at a slower pace, the ball is more likely to take the break but if you get it close, the ball is also more likely to drop. Unless the break is severe, you are always going to be closer to the hole if you miss than by playing it too fast.
If any of the above sounds like you, try making the changes for your next round and see if your score
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