One of the most common aspects to an amateurs golf game is the constant tinkering. One week you will be trying to put into practice a tip given to you by your best buddy and then the following week, something completely different. This constant tinkering and altering of your swing create two things: One inconsistency and two discomfort.
Consistency is what we are all trying to achieve, better consistency means better results and happier golfers. To achieve consistency, you must first breed consistency, which comes from training your swing and sticking with a set improvement plan or polishing what you already have. If you are unsure of what you should be working on then head to a trusted local professional and get some advice, but make it clear that you are trying to make small adjustments due to time constraints.
Big swing changes are not my favourite way of making improvements to golfers swings, especially when as mentioned, time to practice can be major factor in how drastic a change can be. If a client needs a drastic change then obviously, I will make it, but I will also ensure that the client is fully aware of what needs to be done to achieve results with the new change. For those clients that have little time to practice I will always give them a drill that they can do at home for a matter of minutes a day to help their improvement.
The abundance of golfing material, particularly the technical side of the golf swing makes it difficult to take one approach and stick with it. As you browse through magazines or golfing blogs you may be tempted to try some of the advice on offer. You may think that this “magical” section of information will bring an end to all of your golfing woes and demons.
I write a lot of articles and I try to keep the messages conveyed in each simple, easy to understand and above all easy to put into practice, as they are tips that help to polish your game rather than a huge upheaval and total swing rebuild. Swing rebuilds should only be conducted in the presence of a professional and only when the client has a good amount of time to put the changes into practice. Be aware that making just tiny changes to your swing mechanics, your set-up or your mental game result in massive improvement.
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