Golfers that are battling a slice, often ask to change their shape from a slice or fade to a draw, and I always wonder why. Ok so the pros on the TV hit high draws that look so great, but don´t forget they can play a delicate fade into a back right pin location with almost as much ease. Remember also that some of the worlds greatest players had a natural shot that was a fade, so if was good enough for them, why are so many amateurs trying to learn how to go against their natural shot shape?
First, we will take a look at the two main shot types; fade and draw and then you can decide which one you would most like to have. A draw, starts to the right of the target line and gently drifts back to the target line, a draw will generally play slightly longer than a fade, but will also have less backspin and therefore less control, both during the flight of the ball and upon landing, especially into a green. A fade starts left of the intended target line and gently moves back to the right, a fade is a softer landing shot and although will fly slightly distance the shot is more controllable.
My advice is the following and hasn´t changed in the 20 years that I have been coaching;
If your natural shape is a draw then do not try to change it to a fade, instead you need to learn to control the shot that you have to the best of your ability and build your game plan for every course around that shot shape. It may be worthwhile learning how to work the ball from left to right, if you need to be able to play this shot, but do not let it become your stock shot, this goes against the body’s natural inclinations. For those that draw the ball, a fade is easier to learn than a draw for those the fade the ball, so you have a slight advantage. For those that fade, your shot shape is easier to manage and control, and although you may lose a little distance to those that draw the ball, your consistency with distance and the added control that a fade brings is highly beneficial when playing tight golf courses and hard greens.
Stick with your natural shot shape, and learn to play the other shots if needed. If you do want to alter your shot shape, then I suggest that you look to hit the ball straight, rather than a draw or a fade, as this is less of a change from your natural comfort swing. Players throughout history have won major tournaments playing both shot shapes, but they learnt early on not to change from their natural preference.
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