Golf is affected more than most sports by the climate in which we play, and this changes day to day. OK so wind can affect any sport, but the constantly changing directions of hole layouts make playing in the wind a constant battle, whereas say in Rugby the wind is either one direction or the other (first and second half).
As a golfer we must be prepared for this and be adaptable on an almost shot by shot basis. To prepare properly you must be aware of what the climate is, but this is an obvious aspect of the climate that we have to deal with in the moment, rather than be prepared for before we even arrive at the golf course. When working at the local course it always amazed me the number of times a client would turn up to a lesson or the caddy masters ill-prepared for the weather. Most notably when it rained, no wet weather gear or umbrella. Here in Southern Europe we are in spring, and although it is beginning to warm up nicely, the mornings and late evenings there is still quite a chill in the air, so being prepared if you are teeing off later in the day is essential to avoid stiffening up or worse injuring yourself. If the wind is blowing it can feel even colder. In winter the wind is generally a cold wind coming down from Siberia making it feel much colder than it actually is, but because the sun is shining people forget this.
In the summer the opposite can be said, especially for those travelling golfers that are not used to the extreme heat and powerful sun, make sure you have your sunscreen already applied before you get to the course, the amount of golfers I have seen on the first tee lathering themselves up with sun cream is incredible, it is greasy which is not a good combination for a good, solid grip.
But the thing that I can never understand is golfers never ever seem to carry the right amount of liquids. In the heat of spring and summer, you will need to carry much more water to replace what you will lose during the course of the round. If it is especially hot, put a bottle of water in the freezer the night before, this acts as a nice cool drink for later in the round when the chilled water has warmed, it is also great for placing on the back of your neck for an instant refreshing hit.
It may seem like an afterthought, but when it does occur to you just before you begin it is too late, be prepared and think ahead, it is not technical advice, more mental. Preparation is key.
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