I have a real issue with golfers purchasing second hand or refurbished golf balls. I know that they are economically cheaper and if you are a beginner or a higher handicapper you may argue that it would be silly to purchase new golfs balls.
But you would be wrong. Everyone would benefit from playing a new ball, especially from the 1st tee. Why? It is quite simple really, they are better. I remember speaking to a rep of a very well-known golf brand regarding the degrading of golf balls and the impact it has on the performance of a golf ball.
We were talking about three balls; a brand new ball, a ball that had been lost in the woods for a number of weeks and a lake ball that had sat in the water for a month. The test carried out offered some interesting results.
The New Ball
Performed more consistently throughout the tests which included al aspects of the game. The ball that had been in the woods, sleeping with the squirrels was slightly less consistent, especially around the green and the final ball that lay in a watery grave for a month was erratic, in every area of the test.
Now, let´s take a look at the bag of second hand balls you just bought. If you are lucky, they are all the same make and model, although I doubt it. If we look at the history of these balls, oh wait a minute, we can´t as we have no idea where they have been!
So Why Is This Such a Problem
I have done this test with many clients, grabbing a selection of golf balls from their bag and throwing down on the green. Putting to a set distance, I ask my client to putt each ball towards the target. Taking careful note as to whether they hit the ball any harder or softer and also the feeling of the impact. As we did this the responses became more regular (“same as the last one, but the ball felt harder/softer). Looking at the results the client was surprised to see that there was a difference of 2 metres between the shortest and the longest putt. Yet we were putting to the same target distance, with the same swing and power.
So how can there be that much difference? I know as humans we can misjudge things, but difference of 2 metres on a 3 metre putt is huge! That can´t be just human error.
Taking a group of the same make and model, the results were not that different, there was still a huge variation in the distance that the ball travelled.
I urge all of you to choose one make and model of ball, the price is not important, the feel is, and stick with that ball. Pull out a new ball each time you play and if you have a ball that you have used for a round or more put it in the practice bag.
Your touch around the green will improve dramatically, trust me!
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