For centuries golfers have been searching for “the perfect golf swing”, a swing that will ensure straight drives and crisp iron shots, each and every time.
Yet some 400 years on from the invention of the game, nobody has found the secret key, and they won´t because it doesn´t exist. Instead, all golfers should take a look at the golfer that, quite possibly was the closest of all to achieving the perfect swing: Ben Hogan.
Hogan is considered to be the greatest ball striker to have ever strolled the fairways, yet he was, by his own admission constantly fighting a flaw in his swing, which resulted in a horrendous hook shot. So, if the one of the greatest golfers, obsessed with the search for perfection, couldn´t achieve why are so many club golfers looking for the perfect swing?
As humans we own possibly one of the greatest pieces of machinery on earth, but just like the machinery that we build to undertake tasks that the human body can´t, it fails. No matter how hard we try, what we eat or how much we train there is always something that will stop us from finding the perfect golf swing.
Our mentality on the face of it believes that the machines we make are perfectly suited to the job that we have designed and created them for, yet they still break down, require repairs and maintenance. So if a machine specifically built for a task cannot perform perfectly even time, how can we expect our body to be able to recreate the perfect golf swing time after time?
Couple our body with our mind and we hit minefield. Our mind ultimately controls every aspect of our lives, we have the conscious mind telling us to remember to pick the kids up from school or to go and get the dry-cleaning, whilst our sub-conscious mind is controlling our body.
If we are to find the perfect golf swing, then we need the conscious mind, controlling and ever present to be quiet. We need to allow the sub-conscious mind that controls our natural, reflex movements to be in complete control. Occasionally we can get very close to this point, but in golf it is almost impossible to do unless we are able to completely separate the need for both our sub-conscious and conscious minds to work in unison.
We have too many distractions, club selection, wind and other golfers interfering with our conscious that we can´t allow the sub-conscious to perform.
Instead of searching for the perfect golf swing, I suggest you search for the most consistent and repetitive golf swing, one that you can trust to achieve the results that you want. Stop searching for perfect and search for permanent.
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