I have long based my coaching around three fundamental areas:
Each equally as important and each without the other results in inconsistent golf and por golf swings. Many coaches try to teach a single method of swinging the golf club, claiming that all the top professionals make the same pattern of movements, but this theory is wrong. There are only three things that all top professionals and amateurs have in common and they are my three building blocks to consistent golf.
Posture is the base of any good golf swing. But it doesn´t mean that it has to be picture perfect, some golfers simply don´t look as good playing the game as othes, but they all have their own perfect personal posture. They set up in the best way to allow their bodies to swing the club in the most consistent way possible. Your posture must suit your body, but be as athletic and powerful as you can possibly be. Relaxed and calm will give you the best chance of making a good golf swing. Start tense and you will fail.
Balance goes hand in hand with posture. A bad posture will almost certainly lead to poor balance and poor balance will make maintaining a good posture almost impossible. Balance is not just about making sure you don´t fallo ver halfway through your follow through it is also how well you are in control throughout the swing, to allow you to maintain a great posture. Balance begins from the momento you set-up, if you are not balanced at the start of your swing you are sure as hell not going to be balanced during your swing.
Finally, and probably the most misunderstood aspect of a great golf swing is rhythm. Please do not confuse rhythm with tempo, tempo is the speed of the swing. Rhythm is the fluidity of the swing, it is what gives you time to create the right sequence of events. Without rhythm you will have no balance, and without rhythm you will have little or no chance of consistently striking the golf ball. Rhythm should follow your daily rhythm and if you have a fast paced life it should be reflected in the rhythm of your golf swing. Just because it is fast it doesn´t mean it lacks rhythm. The great Ernie Els created an immense amount of pressure, yet he was nicknamed the “Big Easy”.
Posture, balance and rhythm are key, make sure yours isn’t letting you down.
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