When I was playing competitions as a junior, I became known for carrying the kitchen sink around with me.
I know, a bit extreme but I wanted to be ready for every single possibility.
I still go well-prepared now, with kinesiology tape, heat creams, anti-inflammatory tablets, plasters and antiseptic creams, along with the normal list of supplies:
Golf gloves
Pitch mark repairer
Sharpie Pen
Cold weather clothing
Rules book
Plastic bags (in case it rains)
As I mentioned I like to be prepared!
But on a serious note, there are certain things that can help you on the golf course and if you suffer from certain allergies or ailments these additional must have items can make a huge difference.
If, like me you suffer from arthritis or similar ailments, a roll of kinesiology tape can be a god-send as can the cold spray that I now carry.
Take a moment to speak to your healthcare specialist and ask them to demonstrate how best to use the tape. Have some pre-cut strips in your bag and if you so require you can apply it quickly between shots. I have done it on numerous occasions and the benefit was almost immediate.
For those of you that play in hot and humid conditions or if you sweat a lot, extra antiperspirant can be cooling.
Even more beneficial for those that suffer with sweaty hands is a bottle of talcum powder (or baby powder). Weight-lifters chalk also provides the same effect.
Applying a little to your hands at regular intervals can help you to maintain a slip-free grip.
A small amount goes a long way, and don´t forget using talcum powder will cause your grips to become full of dirt and grime so washing grips as soon as you get back home or into the locker room is essential to prolong the life of the grip.
Suffer with hay fever or itchy eyes?
Grab a bottle of eye pray that will relieve the symptoms, I mean trying to watch your ball through the air with watery eyes is not a good thing.
A quick spray and you will feel better immediately.
Play in the rain regularly?
Grab yourself some micro-fibre towels. They are small and lightweight and can be left in a plastic bag just in case.
The microfiber towels seem to dry the grips far better than a regular golf towel, improving grip when playing in less than ideal conditions.
Being prepared in this way may seem excessive, but I can´t recall the number of times I have used plasters, kinesiology tape amongst others.
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