This may seem a strange topic for a tips article, but the films that I am going to mention offer great insights into golf and the struggles that we face as golfers, of any level.
Film #1 – Happy Gilmore
Now if you have never seen the film, Happy Gilmore is a hopeful hockey player that fails year after year at trials. As removal men are emptying his grandmothers house, they bet that he cannot hit a golf ball, Gilmore takes the bet and proceeds to hit the ball “a proverbial “country mile” leading him to take up golf under the guidance of an ex-tour player. Gilmore goes on a journey and achieves his goal of winning back his grandmothers house.
Not a typical golf film, but the feel good factor and the message that if you want something hard enough and are willing to fight for it you can achieve it.
Film #2 – The Legend of Bagger Vance
Starring Matt Damon and Will Smith the film offers many insights into the game of golf.
Smith plays the philosophical caddy of Damon and the subtle information and experiences he passes on are gems of advice that any golfer who watches the film should take heed of.
Film #3 – Follow the Sun
This is a film biography about the legendary Ben Hogan.
Historically accurate, the film offers an insight into the life of one of the greatest golfers in history.
It details his incredible desire and passion for perfection in the golf swing.
But more interestingly the struggles that he faced in his personal life, away from the course.
Film #4 – Tin Cup
Starring Kevin Costner, Tin Cup follows the life of a fictional driving range professional that was once considered a potential superstar, but is plying his trade at a Texas driving range.
After a client convinces him to try and qualify for the US Open, the film follows his up and down route to the US Open.
For any golfer this is a tear-jerker and there are various lessons to learn, which makes the film even more watchable.
Film #5 – Seve
As one of the most enigmatic golfers to have ever graced the fairways.
Seve tells the story of Seve´s rise to international stardom and legendary status in golf.
Narrated by Seve and in part by his life-long friend Jose Maria Olazabal, the film starts with Seve´s childhood, following him through life.
Historically accurate, incredibly touching and highly emotive, the film must be watched by every golfer.
Seve was one of the greatest and this film about his life has to be one of the greatest films ever made about golf.
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