I am not a huge fan of reading, nor am I a huge fan of recommending books to my clients, as for the most part they will only lead to confusion and miss understanding of various aspects of the golf swing.
With the number of books dedicated to the game of golf reaching thousands it can be very difficult to purchase the books that are going to give you the best information.
In this article I am going to recommend my top 5 books, that all golfers should either read or own to be able to refer to at a later date.
5th place: Zen Golf by Dr Joseph Parent
As the title suggests, this is a golf book that wants you to connect with you spirituality, written from a completely different perspective it challenges you to connect yourself with your golf game.
4th Place: Five Lessons, the modern fundamentals by Ben Hogan.
Possibly the most famous golf book on the market and for good reason.
Considered by many to be the must-read, must have golf book, Five Lessons, The Modern Fundamentals is a great insight into the incredible mind of the great golfer. Regarded as one, if not the best ball striker in the history of the game Hogan describes his technique in detail. It is not the easiest book to understand if you don’t have a basic understanding of the technical aspects of golf, this book may be a step too far.
3rd Place: Golf My Way by Jack Nicklaus
Much like the book by Hogan, Golf My Way is an insight from one of the greatest golfers in history. A much more straightforward read than Hogan’s book, Golf My Way is a more modern approach to the golf swing and the more simplistic approach makes this a better read for the average golfer.
2nd Place: The Inner Game of Golf by Timothy Gallwey
An almost purely mental approach to improving your technique, Gallwey brings his vast experience from coaching tennis to golf. His tried and tested methods were successfully transferred to the golf swing and the book follows his findings and achievements in golf. It is a hard read, but if you are prepared to give it a chance then this book could change your outlook on golf and have remarkable results in your scores.
1st Place: My Little Red Book by Harvey Pennick
Without doubt, this is my favorite golf book, and I have read it over and over and over. Pennick, regarded as one of the finest teachers the game has ever seen, provides snippets of information regarding the golf swing and golf in general.
All the anecdotes are delivered not as instruction but stories, making this a very easy read, with a lifetime of Pennick’s experience and love for the game.
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