Today I want to talk about some of the pros and cons of walking the golf course.
This doesn´t really apply to people that absolutely require a golf cart in order to be able to play.
Instead I believe that if you can walk you should.
There are instances when I use a golf cart, but they are few and far between.
The main reason for me to use a golf cart is during a playing lesson, this is because the use of a golf cart allows me to reach different holes on the course, or pick up any extra balls that we may have hit during the play of the hole.
It also ensures that I am always next to the client so we can discuss different aspects as we head from ball to ball and shot to shot.
Playing a practice round before a competition, this allows me to drive the hole from tee to green and also green to tee. This is always a good option if you do not have a lot of time before playing an unknown course.
The final reason for me to take a golf cart is a course where there are large distances between holes, but even with this I do not always take a golf cart.
- Walking is healthier: Getting out onto the course walking is a great way to lose a few pounds and improve your health.
- Walking is more sociable. Golf is one of the few sports which you can truly make new friends in just 18 holes.
- Walking gives you more time to consider your shot; This is something that for me is a massive bonus. When you are walking you can already be planning your next shot. You get a panoramic view of the entire shot, lie of the land, wind conditions, fairway condition. All of which help you to build a vision of the shot you will be facing in a few paces.
- Walking also gives you more time to forget a bad shot. I have eluded to this in another article, but the ability to forget a bad shot is one of the most important skills in golf and walking can open up different options for “recovering” mentally from a bad shot.
- Walking is better for the rhythm of play.
- If you are physically capable of walking, then I feel that it is more beneficial than grabbing a golf cart.
OK I admit it, if the temperature is really high, or you are expecting a long round due to a tournament then maybe a golf cart is the better option, but as long as you take enough water and some food, and even your umbrella, walking is always the best option.
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