There are 3 main fundamentals to building a repetitive golf swing and they have absolutely nothing to do with the mechanics of the actual swing.
Each have their own nuances, but each are intimately intertwined and just as important to each other as they are alone.
The 3 aspects to building a solid golf swing are:
1 – Posture
2 – Balance
3 – Rhythm
Posture is the first thing I check with all my clients, and invariably I have to make changes.
The posture must match your natural poise, it has to be conducive to swinging the golf club in the most efficient and natural way possible.
Almost every client that comes to me with an issue in their swing has a poor posture.
If we take a look at some of the issues bad posture can cause you may find yourself wanting to check yours.
Bad posture can be the root cause of:
Pushes and pulls
Slices and hooks
Lack of distance
By improving your posture you will improve your shot tendencies.
Balance is the single biggest flaw for golfers.
If you have no balance throughout your golf swing the chances of hitting a decent shot are slim.
I always refer to the professionals, how many times have you seen them take a few steps backwards after hitting their shots?
Rarely if ever I assume is your response.
This is the importance of balance, if you have none you stand little chance of returning the club back to the ball, let alone getting it back to square.
If you lose balance you can kiss goodbye to good golf shots and precious yards.
Finally rhythm, this is a misunderstood aspect of the golf swing.
Rhythm has nothing to do with the speed of your swing.
It is all about the fluidity.
Again if we look at say Tiger Woods and Ernie Els, the apparent rhythm of their swings is noticeable.
Yet the swing speeds generated are incredibly similar.
So how does rhythm affect your shots.
If you are in to much of a hurry to hit the ball your swing will become dis-jointed and result in poor golf shots.
Learning to swing at a fluid speed is key to hitting more consistent shots.
You will more than likely actually achieve greater distance if you can control your rhythm.
Put the three thing together and you will have a winning formula for success.
This is regardless of you actual swing mechanics. Jim Furyk is a great example of how great balance, a solid posture and silky smooth rhythm can combine to create one of the most successful golf swings in world golf, even though many consider his swing to be strange and unorthodox.
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