Are you searching for the “magical” tip that will revolutionize your golf game?
Well if you are then this is not the article for you. But, before you stop reading please hear me out for at least a few more lines.
I hate to be the one to tell you, but there is no one magical move that will instantly make you a better golfer. You may unearth some tips and advice that initially work, but then you fall back into old habits, your struggles return.
I want you to remember that every golfer is different and as a result of being individuals, we will all swing the club in a certain way. Please be aware that this begins at the very highest level of the game.
There are however some pieces of advice, that can be applied to most golfers and one of these tips could indeed result in a revolution in your game. I was taking a lesson yesterday and my client asked me “what do all the top players have in common?”
Well the answer is quite simple, they have the basic fundamentals nailed down.
- They have a good personal posture.
- They have a great personal rhythm and
- They have impeccable personal balance
Golfers searching for the magical move can be categorized into 4 distinctive groups:
Group 1 – The quick fix
Group 2 – The studier
Group 3 – The habitual lesson taker
Group 4 – The golfer who chops and changes (swing and coach)
Even though the groups are distinctive they all have one thing in common they want to improve. During my time coaching, I have come to believe that there is one aspect of the golf swing that is often overlooked;
Without balance throughout the swing we stand little chance of making the desired contact with the golf ball. And this is at every single level of the game.
As I have already mentioned, the professionals all have individual swings, rhythms and postures. But the one thing they all have in common regardless is balance. By improving one´s balance in the swing we improve our chances of good contact being made.
So if you are a quick fix golfer, looking for a tip that will immediately improve your game; work on your balance. If you are a habitual lesson taker, but have yet seen any dramatic improvement in your game through technical changes to your swing; work on your balance. If you study at every chance you get or are constantly changing coaches in search of improvement, guess what; work on your balance.
For a vast majority of golfers, simply hitting balls with your feet together will bring about change in your balance. For others you may need to tweak your posture slightly, but the change will be minimal. I ask you this, look back at your best shots, and ask yourself: What was my finish like?
I am sure it was balanced and would make a great photo.
Balance is key.
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