If there is one thing many amateur and beginner golfers are jealous of when watching the professionals play golf, it’s the power in their swing.
You must only stand near a professional golfer at a top tournament to experience the power they generate in their swing. It’s incredible and while this sort of swing power is out of reach for most of us, there are things you can do to generate greater swing power.
Today, we have some tips which will help you to produce more power in your golf swing.
Power can be lost as soon as you begin the backswing. Many amateur players tend to raise their body when commencing the backswing and this weakens the force applied to the ground, which results in a less powerful swing. Professional golfers tend to apply more force early in the backswing.
To combat this, pick up your 6 iron and try placing a hardcover book behind it at address. As you begin your backswing, you will need to push the book away from you with the clubhead. You will feel the pressure increase on the ball of your front foot and the heel of your back foot. This is from the extra effort it takes to move the block and you should attempt to do this when starting your backswing.
As you begin to take away the club during the backswing, you must keep that pressure and professional players do this by remaining grounded and continuing to coil all the way to the top of the backswing.
Amateur players tend to lose their ground force and some swing power at this point but there is a drill which will help.
Place a club on the ground and stand on it, with the grip to the side of your back foot and the clubhead to the side of your front foot. Try swinging a 6 iron while in this position. Much like the previous drill, as you begin taking the club away on the backswing, you will feel an increase in pressure on the ball of your front foot and heel of your back foot.
Due to the force which is in place, you should be able to complete your backswing like a professional, remaining grounded and coiling all the way to the top. Keep using this drill until it starts becoming a natural process for you during your normal swing.
Finally, on the transition from backswing to downswing, professional players increase the pressure under their feet, which leads to a shallower swing plane and greater power.
To help improve this aspect of the swing and create more power, take your stance with feet and hips open to the target. As you begin to swing down, rotate your hips, giving them a feeling of closing off to the target. Doing this will force you to push your front leg towards the ground. It will also drop your arms into a shallow swing plane and keep your shoulders from unwinding early.
These drills will help to increase your swing power and get you hitting the ball further.
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