Many beginner and amateur golfers look at long irons in their bag and dread having to pull them out. Even mid-range irons can give beginner golfers the shivers and lead them to using a club which they feel more comfortable using but is not fit for the job.
Today we have some tips on how you can play longer holes better using your mid and long irons.
Firstly, you must try and change your expectation levels when using long irons. If you have a long iron in your hand but immediately think you are not going to be able do much with it, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.
Thinking this way can often lead to careless shots so try and think more about what you are trying to achieve with the shot. You could pick an easier target and in doing so this will make your feel more confident about the shot and you can play it with greater intention.
Never hit towards trouble and hope the ball will swing away. This is only adding more pressure to a shot you are already feeling uncomfortable about. Always aim away from trouble and this will allow you to relax more when using a long iron.
Do not rush the shot, as timing is very important when using a long iron. Even if it means slowing down your swing speed a little, making a long iron shot with great timing is always going to be better than playing the shot at full speed but with a poor swing.
You may be tempted to put more effort into the shot with long irons because you have a significant distance to hit the ball. However, if your timing is off you will never get the ball close to the intended distance and slowing down the swing a little will help you ensure you make a great contact with the ball.
Finally, when you are playing a shot using a long iron, think about sweeping the ball off the fairway or tee. Some players tend to swing down too steeply on the ball and this results in trapping the ball.
Instead, you want to think about keeping some of your weight on your back foot and think about sweeping the ball off the ground. Doing this will produce a higher launch angle and more distance on the shot.
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