Sinking a long putt for birdie or to make a par is a fantastic feeling but long putts can be something of a lottery. However, imagine the feeling of knowing if you can land your ball on the green, 10 feet or closer to the hole, you know you have a great chance of making the putt every time.
It is possible to cut 3 to 5 shots off your golf score by making more putts inside 10 feet and today we gave some games which will help you with your putting inside that distance.
The first game requires you to begin 4 feet away from the hole and place two tees into the ground, a little wider than the head of your putter apart. Place the ball inside the tees and for right handed players, use only your right hand to play 10 putts (vice versa for left handed players). Then hit 5 putts using both hands.
Using the tees as a guide, this drill will see your putter head going straight through, in line with the hole and will improve the number of putts you make from this distance.
The second putting game to help you make more putts inside 10 feet is known as the clock putting drill. Take 12 balls and place 2 balls on each side of the hole so they are equally spaced apart. Think of the hole as the centre of a compass with the balls at north, south, east and west.
Make sure the 3 balls on each side are roughly 3 feet apart with the first ball starting 3 feet away from the hole. Starting with the closest ball, putt each of the balls on all four sides and then move to the next ball back and do the same. If you miss any of the four balls from the same distance, start again.
This game can be a little frustrating, especially if you miss the final ball of the four but the repetition and feeling of success when you complete all 12 balls is very satisfying and will help you hugely with your putting.
The final game is the 100 breaking putts challenge. For this game, you will need to see how many putts out of 100 you can make and you start by splitting the putts up in to two sets of 50 putts. As the name suggests, this game focuses on breaking putts and you must putt 50 balls with the putt breaking to the right and 50 breaking to the left.
Try playing this game once a week and putt the balls from a different distance between 3 and 10 feet. See if you can beat your previous score and make a note of which side you are strongest as this can make a difference when planning approach shots.
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