Professional golfers have everything planned out for them. Their time is distributed in a way which suits their golfing schedule. Much of it will be spent playing tournaments but when time allows, they will have practice sessions ready and waiting so not a single minute of their time is wasted.
If you want to improve your golf game in 2019, you must take a look at the time you are using and be honest with yourself.
Grab a pen and write down the things you do on a daily basis during the course of a 7 day week. Once you have completed the list, look back over each day and put an asterisk next to anything which is wasting your time. This is time you could be using to improve your golf.
Some people will be so busy with their jobs and family life that most of the time each week is taken up with these things. However, even those who have tough work schedules and a family life can find time to practice golf. It could be during a lunch hour or it could be when other members of the family are doing an activity they enjoy.
Look over your weekly schedule and try and find one hour each day which you can dedicate to golf practice. How far away is the local driving range? Factor that in to your time and find at least three occasions during the week which you can dedicate to practice at the range.
If you are serious about improving your golf, this time should be as important as your work time and any other engagements you have listed for the week.
When at the driving range, you know your time is limited so you must make the best use of it and doing so means having a plan. You cannot afford to waste time so why turn up to the driving range and spend 10 minutes thinking about what you are going to do?
To avoid this, get 30 balls and choose 10 clubs from your bag. Line them up in the driving range and hit three shots in a row to a target using one of the clubs. It does not matter which club you start with but you might find it beneficial to begin with the shorter clubs and work your way up to the driver.
To perfect this game, you will need to hit the 30 balls using all 10 clubs. It is very difficult and can prove very frustrating. However, you should never move on to the next club until you have hit the target with 3 balls in a row.
Playing this game takes very little time and you will be done within the hour but it is a great way to develop your golf.
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