How you begin a round of golf can often set the tone for whole round. Having a few bad holes at the beginning is not the end of the world as you have time to recover but every golfer wants to get off to the perfect start.
Today, we have some tips which will help you start your round of golf in the best possible way and help you towards lowering your score.
Always arrive at the golf club in plenty of time to have a practice before the round starts. However, when you are on the driving range do not simply hit balls without any thought. You should have an idea of how the golf courses plays so why not have a short practice round on the first few holes?
Imagine you are teeing off on the first hole. What club would you use? Where are the hazards on the hole? Where will you need to hit the ball to leave a good second shot? What club will you use for your approach?
Doing this will get you focused on the course you are about to play and have your mind ready for the upcoming holes.
When you are in the locker room getting changed and have a few moments to yourself, begin to picture what you would like to happen on the golf course. Hitting a perfect tee shot on the first hole and making a nice putt are good images to get into your head before stepping onto the first tee. Always think positive before a round.
Find a routine which works for you and use it before every round you play. It doesn’t matter if it is a casual round with friends or a competition, the more you get into the routine the more it will relax you before you play.
If you tend to get nervous before a round of golf or feel anxious regardless of whether you are playing alone or with other people be grateful you are having the chance to play. You are not going into work or to visit the doctor, you are about to step into nature to play the sport you love. Not everyone has the opportunity to play a round of golf so be thankful you are playing and enjoy the experience above anything else.
Finally, you must get a feel for the pace of the greens before the first hole. Head to the practice green and place some tees down at various distances away from your ball. Practice hitting the ball to these tees until you can control the distance of the ball, putting both uphill and downhill.
You will feel a lot more confident as you pull out the putter on the first hole knowing you have the measure of the green. This will improve the way you start you round and set you up nicely for a great day of golf.
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