While many professional golfers have little to worry about in terms of buying new equipment the same cannot be said for beginner and amateur players.
Spending money on golf equipment is a big investment for most players. Much attention is given to golf clubs but other areas of golf equipment also requires consideration. Good quality golf shoes do not come cheap and if they are not looked after properly, you could be spending money on another pair much sooner than you would like.
Caring for golf shoes begins from the moment you put on the shoes. Instead of forcing them on quickly our pushing your foot down into the shoe, purchase a shoe horn and use that to put on the shoes. A shoe horn is cheap and will prevent damage to the heel of the shoe which can lead to discomfort on the golf course.
Try and clean your golf shoes as quickly as possible after a round. This does not mean you should be in the locker room cleaning your shoes when everyone else is at the bar. You can do it when you get home if you like but you must wipe down the outside of the golf shoes using soap and warm water.
To remover all the dirt and grass from the shoes, you will need to unscrew each of the spikes, checking for any trapped pieces of dirt and grass in the holes. You can leave the shoes to dry and replace the spikes the following day.
Removing the spikes also allows you to check for any breakages and to ensure they are screwed in properly before your next round.
If your golf shoes are made of leather, you can treat them with a leather oil to help keep them protected when on the golf course. You can also apply a colour shoe cream or white shoe cream to white golf shoes to help maintain their colour.
Do not store your shoes in your golf bag. Instead, allow them to dry after cleaning at room temperature. You can place cedar wood shoe trees which help to absorb any excess moisture and maintain the shape of the shoes.
When transporting the golf shoes to the course use a golf shoe bag. This will protect the shoes in transit and prevent any needless damage to the shoes when you are carrying them around. Look for a golf shoe bag with a ventilated design as this will help prevent moisture from building up on the shoes when they are in the bag.
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