There are many elements to a successful golf swing but one aspect of the swing which is often overlooked is the follow through.
Many beginner golfers fall into the trap of believing the shot is over once the club face has contacted the ball. This is not the case and there is still one vital ingredient of the swing remaining, the follow through. You cannot afford to disregard the follow through as it plays an important part in your complete swing process.
A good, consistent follow through allows you to play the same shot, with the same swing path every time. Therefore, you can teach your body to start and finish the shot in the same position and this promotes a good golf swing and shot.
If you can get the start position and the follow through the same every time, you are more likely to get the middle section of the swing, when you hit the ball, consistent. If you fail to do this, the middle section of your shot is likely to suffer.
When considering a good follow through, they key is not to try and force it every time. Instead, allow the momentum you have gained during the shot to take your body around and upwards to a nicely balanced finish.
If you are struggling to maintain balance towards the end of your swing, perhaps you should try taking a little bit off the shot and not swing the club so hard.
At the end of the follow through, your belt buckle should be facing forwards, towards the target, with your chest in a similar position. Most of your weight should be on your front foot at this stage. If you watch the professional golfers, their front foot does not move during the shot and remains planted on the ground.
Only the back foot moves and this should be touching the ground with your toes come the end of the follow through. It is important your back foot is touching the ground with the toes and not any other part of the foot as this could mean there is less weight on the front foot.
The best way to check you are finishing with a good, balanced follow through is to hold the position for a few seconds or until the ball lands. If you are comfortable in the position for this duration you have the basis for a good follow through. If you are losing your balance, check the points above and see if you are in the correct position.
Once you have achieved a good follow through, you will be able to comfortably remain in position until the ball lands.
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