A great deal of information is available regarding the mental aspect of playing golf. To be successful, you must be good on the course both physically and mentally. However, while many golfers take their mental state on the course seriously, not much consideration is given to the mental aspect of the warm-up.
Today, we have some great tips to get you mentally prepared for a round of golf.
Firstly, do not waste any time or energy trying to predict what is going to happen on the golf course. Doing this will only increase your stress levels and is likely to produce a performance below your best.
Try and relax your mind by placing yourself in the present and thinking about ‘now’. If you struggle to do this, think about your breathing and hold a current thought with each breath. Try and maintain a steady breathing pattern and do this for 5 minutes.
Having completed your breathing, you must now turn your mind to golf. Think about the most recent good shots you have played. It could be a cracking drive, a great approach shot or a long putt for birdie. This will get you in a positive frame of mind and boost your confidence before stepping onto the first tee.
Now, think about the round you are about to play and picture yourself enjoying great success. Sit down, close your eyes and visualise yourself hitting great shots. If it is a golf course you have played before, think about specific shots and making the green with an accurate iron shot or crunching a perfect drive off the first tee.
Having pictured these things, start to think about your goals in the round. That does not mean your targets in terms of score, it means things you known you can control. It could include anything from congratulating an opponent on a good shot or accepting when you have played a bad shot and keeping a good attitude throughout the round, whatever happens.
Finally, think about the reasons why you play golf. The reason you play is because you enjoy the sport and you are lucky and healthy enough to spend time on the golf course, in the fresh air doing the thing you love. You will be playing with other people, possibly friends and what better way to spend your time than keeping fit and socialising?
Enjoy playing golf and completing this routine before playing will help you get in right frame of mind for the round.
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