If you are struggling to find distance, accuracy or both when using the irons, there are many reasons why this may be occurring, one of which is hitting the toe of the club.
While not as severe as shanking the ball off the inside of the club, striking the toe of the club will result in a poor shot and today we have some tips to help cure this problem.
The best place to start when hitting the toe of the club is your swing path. If your downswing is coming in at too steep an angle, this can result in cutting across the ball and contacting the toe of the club.
To help prevent this, try and keep the clubhead low during the first part of the swing. When making impact with the ball, think about driving the club from inside to outside the target line and the best way to check this is by recording your swing using a camera.
Slow the footage down on a computer and look out for the steepness of your swing and if you are cutting across the ball. Pause the footage as the clubhead contacts the ball and look at the impact point.
If your swing is too steep and/or you are cutting across the ball, the impact point of the club when you press pause is more likely to be the toe of the club.
Having seen your swing, you can make some adjustments and try again before reviewing the footage and checking for improvements.
Another reason why you may be hitting the toe of the club is balance. If you are rocking back on your heels when playing a shot, this will pull the club further away from the ball and result in striking the toe.
Try standing upright and lowering your body over the ball, allowing the knees to flex and the hips to bend. Using this stance and weight distribution, hit the ball again and see if there is any difference in the outcome.
Finally, when recording yourself playing the shot, check your lead arm as you finish the shot. If this arm is bent, it could be drawing the club across the ball and this can lead to the club striking the ball with the toe.
Focus on driving the club through the ball and have a good release, with the leading arm in a straight position.
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