There was a time when playing a long shot from the rough meant getting out a 3-iron and praying for a good result.
However, thanks to the invention of the hybrid golf club, we no longer must approach a long shot from the rough with the fear we used to when using a long iron. The hybrid is a great club and has many uses, one of which is playing long shots from the rough.
So, why would you want to use a hybrid out of the rough instead of a long iron?
Firstly, a hybrid club has a much wider sole than a long iron, meaning it does not get caught up in longer grass as easily as an iron and glides through the grass without a great deal of effort. Secondly, a hybrid is lighter than an iron and this allows you to generate more club head speed and a higher ball flight. Lastly, a hybrid has a lower centre of gravity than a long iron and this also promotes higher ball flight from the rough.
When setting up a shot from the rough with a hybrid, you will need to have the ball slightly forward of centre, which will be a little further back than normal when playing this shot with a long iron. Choke down between one and two inches on the club and stand a little closer to the ball than normal.
These adjustments in the setup will help you steepen the angle of your attack and reduce the amount of grass caught between the club and the ball.
During the swing, you will want to hinge your wrists a little sooner on the backswing, which also helps to create a steeper angle of attack on the shot. Your wrists should remain firm when contacting the ball as this will help to keep the head of the club in control during the shot.
Playing a long shot from the rough using a hybrid will take a little practice, mainly to get used to the setup and swing adjustments but in the long run, it is much easier to play a shot form the rough using a hybrid than a long iron.
However, always judge each shot on its merits and although it will always be tempting to go with the hybrid from the rough, there are times when you must take your medicine. If the ball is buried in the rough and the lie is difficult, you are advised to use a wedge and get the ball back in play.
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