There’s no such thing as the perfect place to play golf. Every location on the planet has its pros and cons in terms of climate and you can have great, warm and dry weather playing a Scottish links course and very wet weather playing a course in Thailand.
However, there will be times when you arrange a day of golf and the weather is very hot and sunny. Playing golf in the heat presents its own challenges and while it can be very enjoyable, you must be careful to ensure you have a good time.
Check the forecast before booking your tee time and if it is going to very hot try and get the earliest time you can. The earlier you can start the cooler it will be and the same applies for later in the day, when it will also be cooler. Try and avoid playing in the middle of the afternoon if possible.
Make sure you take a hat and apply plenty of sun cream. The hat will keep the sun off your head and face plus the sun cream will stop you from burning. You will also need sunglasses because the last thing you want is for the sun to be in your face and having a negative impact on your game.
If you are not playing on a desert based course, there are usually plenty of trees on many golf courses. If you have made your final putt and are waiting for others to finish, step under the nearest tree for some shade. Even if it is only for a few seconds, it is better than remaining constantly in the sun during a round.
Keeping hydrated is hugely important when playing golf in hot conditions. You will be surprised by how many people allow themselves to get dehydrated on the course by not taking enough water with them. Make sure you have plenty in your bag and make enquiries as to whether you can buy some on the golf course.
A great tip before playing a round of golf on a hot day is to place a golf towel in a freezer the day before. Obviously, the towel will thaw during the day but it will remain nice and cool you will enjoy putting it on the back of your neck when it is very hot.
If you are playing golf in the heat on a regular basis, it might be a good idea to invest in some clothing which absorb less sweat and dry out quickly. Some brands are labelled as being “moisture wicking” and these are a good option if you are playing golf in hot conditions regularly.
Finally, it pays to keep your temper under control whatever the conditions but even more so when it is hot. Getting angry and worked up when it is hot will also make you uncomfortable and increase how hot you feel. Try and take one shot at a time and use the moments between your shots to switch off a little and relax.
It may be easier said than done if you are feeling frustrated with the way you are playing but getting angry in hot conditions will only make things worse for yourself.
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